
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Living Self-Honesty

The mind is based in polarity and by continuing to participate in the process of thinking I will express myself as the nature of what I am participating, within polarity, and experience myself separate from me here as presence as awareness.
If I have feelings as good or high states of being and believe myself to be what I am experiencing, I am affirming the existence within myself of the polarity of the feelings which will be the emotion of bad or low state of being such as for example: the experiences of happiness and sadness.
Self-honesty in every moment is to be aware of myself here and stop from participating in thoughts and also in feelings and emotions where polarity is established in my self.
If I have wants, desires, needs for something I am seeking an illusion that I have created in separation from me here, as presence as awareness, therefore I must stop my participation in all wants, desires and needs if I am willing me to be self honest with me here.
The mind as conscious systematic perception is not what I am as presence as awareness, and therefore to be self-honest is to stop the perception and believe that I am my mind.
When I recognize that I am here and that I have to definitely stop myself from creating separation within my reality I must realize that my mind is simply showing me my selfdishonesty and where I am still accepting and allowing to participate within thoughts, feelings and emotions. Within this I assist myself trough the mind which reflects the self dishonesty that I am allowing and that needs self-correction.
To establish self-honesty within myself I identify what I will accept and allow within my life as my reality and what I will not accept and allow myself to participate within my life as my reality. Taking self-responsibility for self as all as one and equal.
This is possible as self-realization when I am present, here, as the physical breath.

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